Teeth Straightening

Teeth Straightening


Teeth Straightening


  • To straighten and align teeth we can use a variety of different techniques including fixed braces or “train tracks” which are appliances which are fixed to your teeth and can be metal or clear ceramic, or clear aligner treatments such as Invisalign™ which are clear trays that fit over your teeth and can be removed when eating.
  • To ensure you are suitable for orthodontic treatment we carry out a comprehensive orthodontic assessment to discuss your concerns and assess your suitability for treatment.
  • We then take records including an x-ray which goes around your head to ensure there are no issues with your teeth that may effect any orthodontic treatment. 
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  • An important part of orthodontic treatment is to retain the final position of your teeth once they have been straightened
  • This is carried out by use of retainers which can be “fixed” or “removable”
  • Fixed” retainers are fine wires which are glued to the inside of the front 6 lower teeth and front 4-6 upper teeth. 
  • Removable” retainers are clear trays which fit over all of your teeth and are designed to be worn at night time.
  • We normally advise a combination of both retainers to help maintain your tooth position after orthodontic treatment.
  • Both fixed and removable retainers require maintenance and regular replacement over time. 

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Teeth Straightening

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